


Every year, JCI selects 10 outstanding young people under 40 who live the JCI Mission in extraordinary ways. By recognizing these young people, JCI raises the status of socially responsible leaders in this world. The honorees motivate their peers to seek excellence and serve others. Their stories of discovery, determination, and ingenuity inspire young active citizens to be better leaders, create better societies and take action to create sustainable impact. JCI TOYP is run locally, nationally, and internationally.

Since 1983, JCI has honored more than 300 individuals from 57 nations. Past recipients of national TOYP awards include well-known personalities such as John F. Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Elvis Presley, Jackie Chan, Wayne Gretzky, and many more, all honored before the age of 40 and before they had achieved national prominence. Honorees selected in past years have represented the heights of progress in numerous human endeavors. Many have gone on to even greater achievements. All have continued to serve humanity and create impact in a great variety of ways. Past recipients of TOYP of the World awards from Indonesia are Aburizal Bakrie and Seto Mulyadi (Kak Seto).

Young men and women may be nominated in one of ten categories. Each nominee must be entered in one — only one — of the ten categories below:
1. Business, Economic, and/or Entrepreneurial Accomplishment
2. Political, Legal, and/or Governmental Affairs
3. Academic Leadership and/or Accomplishment
4. Cultural Achievement
5. Moral and/or Environmental Leadership
6. Contribution To Children, World Peace, and/or Human Rights
7. Humanitarian and/or Voluntary Leadership
8. Scientific and/or Technological Development
9. Personal Improvement and/or Accomplishment
10. Medical Innovation

Nomination process is open until Monday, July 15, 2024 at 23:59:59 Jakarta Time

Sep 19 - Sep 19, 2024